Contact Us

  • * Please enter in half-width alphanumeric characters.
  • *If you enter your email address incorrectly, we will not be able to reply to you.
    Please make sure that you do not make a mistake.
  • * Please enter again for confirmation.
  • *Please note that we do not respond to emails or images regarding defective items.
    Please send the actual product and the outer bag to the Customer Service Office by cash on delivery.
    Even if you make a request by e-mail, we may call you to ask for more details.
  • * About inquiries about Echigo Seika product retailers

1. 2.Product name XNUMX.Which area to look for (up to the ward, city, town, or village) in advance
If you tell us, we can answer smoothly.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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